These modules are carefully designed to uncover implicit associations related to these specific aspects, providing a deeper understanding of how societal norms and our unconscious knowledge may shape our perceptions and behaviours.

Understanding the associations between Gender and Leadership is crucial in unravelling the dynamics of gender inequality in professional settings. This module allows individuals to gain insights into their implicit biases and examine the potential impact of these biases on decision-making processes, career advancement, and opportunities for everyone.

Similarly, exploring the associations between Gender and Domesticity sheds light on deeply ingrained societal constructs surrounding gender roles and responsibilities. Recognising these implicit associations can foster awareness and encourage individuals to challenge traditional stereotypes, promoting greater gender equality within all spheres of their lives.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Accessing the Unconscious Knowledge Assessment

  • 2

    Unconscious Knowledge Assessment Modules

    • Access Gender & Leadership and Gender & Domesticity Modules

  • 3

    Next Steps

    • Understanding My Unconscious Knowledge Reports and other FAQs